Forum Replies Created
ParticipantDan, when I take BBB just for gout I simply gulp it down without paying too much attention about its taste. For my maintenence doses, I often drink it with honey.
Trev is right about it's bland and earthy taste when its just plain broth without anything added to it. Actually, like any other beans they taste great if they are prepared as soup, with lots of other things added to it. People in the East savour it as a cullinary delight by adding BB in a variety of dishes and it's widely used in tonic soups. However, they do not so much black beans as we do for gout relief.
ParticipantHi Dan,
There are 2 common forms of black bean – common or turtle beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) and soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). Both forms of bean are suitable for the broth.
The recipe is very simple, but involves a lengthy slow boil process, so it is advisable to use a timer so you do not end up with a pan of burned beans.
- Rinse 200 grams (7 ounces) beans and remove any grit or other debris.
- Cover with 2 liters water and bring to the boil.
- Reduce heat, and simmer for 90 minutes.
- Strain the liquid, which is what you drink, and throw away the beans.
- Allow to cool, and gulp down about 1/2 liter of the broth.
The above was taken from: Natural Remedy For Gout
That is 1 dose of BB broth. For a start, gulp them all down within one or two hours. For me one dose (about 3 gulps) was usually sufficient to eliminate the pain and swelling. After that I would gulp down a few more doses over the next couple of weeks to make sure. The rest (subsequent follow-ups) would be left to personal preferences –
1. One dose weekly and by drinking all the broth at a more leisurely
2. Taking it daily as you do with coffee or tea.
The black beans I have been using are not the organic type and they are far less expensive than those sold as “organic”.
ParticipantSometimes I may sound a bit like a school master – that’s a good example of an “occupational hazards” because I forgot I am not one anymore. I have retired from service for eight years now.
Trev, an occasional rant is necessary to lighten up our life a little. More so here at GoutPal, because being down and feeling miserable due to our gout problems will not make anything better for us. An occasional rant or quip will help to make our gout pains more bearable. It is certainly better than always crying, moaning and groaning over our “goutful” misfortune.
I will not want to dwell too much about Nature here, otherwise I will be shown a “yellow card” soon.
Back to BBB………. I have just come across an interesting link (below) – “Research Update : Black beans or Phaseolus vulgaris” which might shed a little more light on the health benefits of beans, including black beans, though it may not be specifically in relation to gout.
Participant…..sorry I was cut off suddenly because I accidentally clicked on something.
Continue from previous post……………….
Most people would prefer to choose the “drug” route to curb or suppress gout flare-ups, although they are well aware of the possible side effects of drug. They have no choice because, so far, there is no known cure for gout, only lots of “claims” of altenative remedies/treatments that confuse people even more.
I do agree with you Trev, that we should trust Nature more because we ourselves are part of NATURE. It's just that Man, with all his intelligence are busily “creating” more and more things to enrich our lives. Good and no good! While technological and scientific advancements are neccessary and we have benefitted a great deal from them, we are also drifting further and further from Nature, maybe even destroying it. Now things around us are becoming more complex…… That's our modern lifestyle, so everybody says.
While I must have sounded somewhat critical or even negative, I do feel hopeful that many people nowadays are making concerted efforts to revive awareness to Nature and this is quite evident in the field of Medicine. We only need to love and have more faith in NATURE.
I am afraid I better stop here before I got “OUT OF TOPIC”.
ParticipantThanks Trev, you have rekindled the “fire” and enthusiasm in me to find out more about black beans and its numerous other health benefits. Here, I would like to focus more on its positive effects and efficacy on gout.
Instead of just acepting it as one of those “alternative or new age cures or remedy”, without any backing or support from scientific or medical researches/endorsement, I would like to find out more about exactly how BB works on relieving gout pain and inflammation. May be, even to satisfy myself that it could be a “cure” for gout, though deep inside me I do feel that “curing” of gout isn't that simple as it would involve numerous factors like – diet, lifestyle…….
Most people would prefer to choose the “drug” route to curb or suppress gout flare-ups, although they are well aware of the possible side effects of drug. They have no choice because, so far, there is no known cure for gout, only lots of “claims” of altenative remedies treatments
ParticipantHi All,
“One day, at my working place I notice a man limping painfully to his van. I couldn't resist being a “nosey poker”, so I went to him and asked him what happened to his leg. He told me it was gout – one of his big toes was swelling badly and he had been suffering the excruciating pain for some time. He had to bear with the pain as he needed to work to make ends meet…………………..”
You remember the incident I shared in my post dated July 22 09?
This morning I met the gentleman again. He looked hearty, healthy and happy. This time I spent a little more time asking him about his gout. He told me that he had been suffering from intermittent bouts of gout flare-up for about ten years. He consulted doctors, even specialists but the “cures” were only temporary. After taking BBB continuously for a few weeks, his gout has not returned so far. Now, he only takes BBB occasionally.
It may sound “too good to be true” but I can vouch for BBB seemingly “miraculous relief” for gout pain and inflammation. That's why I am so eager to share it with fellow gout sufferers. Exactly how it works I am still not too clear. So far, all I know is that it could be the “anthocyanins” in the seed coat. I am considering spending some time to find out more. Who knows, like cjeezy said – It could be a million dollar $$$$$ venture.
I feel that there is more about “black beans” that makes it so effective in relieving gout pains and inflammation.
The following link sheds more light about anthocyanins: .
ParticipantThanks, Trev.
May I know the source of your “recent reading” about how BB works?
“I forgot to add that I drink the whole thing over a hour or so. I read that someone suggested drinking it daily like a cup of coffee. I would be interested in how well this works.”
I found it very effective when I drank the whole thing over an hour or so even when pain and swelling had set in.
A distant relative of mine in Sydney is taking BB drink daily because he managed to find “blackbean tea” in satchet form. It is a Japanese product but I cannot remember exactly its band or name. It was so much easier – just drop the satchet in a container of boiling hot water and leave it to soak for some time. However, I am unable to compare its effectiveness with BB broth the way we prepare it. All I know is that he did stop his gout flare-ups and sufferings after he first took a few doses the BB broth.One thing I notice about myself is that I would start to feel twinges on my big toes everytime after I had indulged myself on lots of meat. Very quickly, pain and inflammation would set in. A dose of about 3 big gulps of BB broth had never failed me. I eat almost everything, but I do make a conscious to eat everything in moderation. Another interesting observation is that BB broth seems to be only effective for gout pains and inflammation. I twisted my knee not too long ago and it was very painful. I took BB broth but it did not help in making me feel better.It's being sometime since I last had a serious gout attack and because of that had not been taking BB broth regularly – once a month or whenever I feel twinges coming on (serving as a reminder).metamorph
ParticipantIndeed, I would also like to hear from others who have tried bbb – whether it has worked for them too (or not).
Your feedbacks would certainly be appreciated, as I am curious to find out more about how effective it is for different people – not just myself.
ParticipantI do not know much about medications for gout, but I do know from personal experience that black bean broth is very effective in relieving gout pains and inflammation.
I do understand the pain and agony you are going through. So, you could give it a try. Perhaps it could work for you too – at least in relieving you of your terrible pain.
For more details go to – Black Bean Cure for Gout, under the topic Gout Cures
ParticipantI am back again. BBB has never failed me so far as it has helped to keep my toe pains at bay.
My most recent experience has to do with my knucles this time. They swelled up and it was painful when i clenched my fist. I thought I had injured it during an exercise so I tried applying liniment oil and took painkillers but to no avail. After one week it was not getting better. As a last resort, I took BBB and the next day the pain was gone and the swelling began to subside. Now my knuckles are as good as before.
Whether it was gout or not I am not sure. But from this recent experience, I am convinced that BBB is very effective in relieving pains and inflammation.
Participant“With regards to daily water intake (I even drink a lot during the night); I can state that no less than 3 liters go through my body. I am a heavy beer drinker (not at this stage of course), so it’s easy for me to gulp big amounts of fluid in one go and even though it was tough at first, being water the most unpleasant fluid to take when not thirsty, as most of the things in life, it takes time but you get accustomed to almost anything…..”
Drinking a lot of water during the night tends to affect our sleep because we will need to wake up often to go the toilet. That would interupt our sleep. So, it would be better if we drink lots of water in the day.
“I thought about that Japanese health method when you are supposed to drink 1 liter of water as you get up in the morning, all in one go and every morning, but I doubt that being the answer to all our health problems and I actually think it can even be harmful for you.”
The Japs do that to flush out as much of the debris and waste (food taken the day before) in their system, as it aids bowel movement.
I do that first thing every morning – gulp down 1/2 liter of water, followed by my regular cup of coffee. Then I would go about doing other things like brushing my teeth and reading the newspapers, etc. Half an hour later, I would need to go to the toilet to clear my bowel. It's good for our general health.
ParticipantHi, All Gout Friends.
I had not been actively involved in discussions for quite some time because my only contribution to this forum was my “Black Bean Broth” and nothing else.
I happened to login to Gout Pal Interactive again and noticed that it was given some mention. S, here am I unable to resist from sharing some recent “success stories”. Ok, I will limit myself to just one story.
One day, at my working place I notice a man limping painfully to his van. I couldn't resist being a “nosey poker”, so I went to him and asked him what happened to his leg. He told me it was gout – one of his big toes was swelling badly and he had been suffering the excruciating pain for some time. He had to bear with the pain as he needed to work to make ends meet.
I told him about Black Bean broth and taught him how to prepare it. I was not too sure whether it would work for him but i thought it would be good for him to try it. He seemed glad about what I told him and said he would try it out.
Yesterday, after about 1 month, I happen to meet him again. When he saw me he approached me and told happily that he took the BB broth, and after 3 gulps his toe pain was gone. “Now I can even play soccer again!”
I have unwavering faith in BB broth myself as I found it very effective in relieving inflammation and pain. But, I am also mindful that it is not a “cure” for gout. So, if your gout pain is making your life miserable, you could try BB broth to help you relieve your pain and swelling, after that go and consult your doctor for medical attention.
ParticipantAt GoutPal Interactive it is all about “sharing” – of experiences, treatment, causes, cures, etc. of Gout. We do recognise the fact that different people do have differences – cultural. racial, physical, preferences, lifestyles, dietry, beliefs, etc………… As the saying goes – “One man's meat is another man's poison”. Of course, in this context it does not go to that extreme. The fact remains that different gout sufferers do have different experiences and a cure/relief/medication may be good for one but not so effective for another. What matters most is that we share unreservedly, honestly and in good faith. We understand the pain, agony and misery caused by gout flare ups and we hope that what has worked for us might be good for fellow gout sufferers too.
As our Admin, Goutpal had made it very clearly that “All gout sufferers want more gout information. Which is most important to you? See what others think, then express your own opinions.”
And that, “You will not get relief from gout by reading a website. But you will get information that helps you make the right gout treatment choices.”
I do share Jack's, and zip2play’s sentiments about doctors, and big drug companies. I fully agree with trev’s –“It's long been said- Docs bury their mistakes; and vegetarianGuy’s –“We are just passing through this world like we pass through our docs office…..”
Goutpal’s – “the world is not perfect” is a reality that we have to come to terms with and accept.
Taking myself as an example. I stand by what I belief and feel is good for me. I came in to share what I thought might also be good for others. I am a strong believer of natural cures because I have little faith in doctors and would avoid drugs at all cost because of their side effects. But, I came with an open mind to share and learn from others. Indeed, I have benefitted a great deal from GoutPal in that I have learnt a lot more about Gout and people. I also begin to understand why people have to be on certain long term medication/drugs – because that’s their choice and they believe it's their best choice.
It has dawned on me that I am really fortunate to be what I am. What I am going through is not that bad after all. So, I am not asking for more and will continue to cherish what I have and to live as healthily and happily as I could until the day of “Burial or cremation?”
ParticipantHi vegetarianGuy,
I had experimented on various ways of preparing black bean broth; also using different proportions of black beans and water. The “time” and “proportion” that I recommended worked best for me.
It's no harm trying the way you mentioned and see if that works too, but do not eat the beans as all beans are known to cause gout. Based on what I know, it is the anthocyanins in the skin of the bb that is effective in relieving gout pains and inflammations. Slow boiling could be an effective way of extracting as much as possible of the anthocyanins from the seedcoat of the beans.
What mattered most to me was that it got rid of my gout pain and inflammation very effectively – in fact within hours. Now with bb broth and watching my diet more conscientiously (without total abstinance from meat and other rich food) I have not been having any gout attack for a few months.
However, we must also be mindful of the many other factors that can cause gout attacks and these are discussed in great detail by our other more experienced GoutPal friends.
Hope it works for you too!
Yes, gout is caused by excessive uric acid in our body and the best way is to address that is to seek medical advice on ways to maintain your uric acid at aceptable levels.
Meanwhile, in order to relieve your sufferings from pain and inflammation you could consider trying black bean broth. For more details go to “Black Bean Cure for Gout” – under Gout Cures (Pg. 1). It worked very well for me and I hope it would work for you too. I have not had any relapse for more than a couple of months, which could also be due to my efforts in refraining from too much gout food and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Meanwhile, you could try black bean broth which I found very effective in relieving gout pain and inflammation. For more details go to the Topic – “Black Bean Cure for Gout” under Gout Cures (pg. 1).
Meanwhile, you could consider trying black bean broth. It worked very well for me in relieving my gout pains and perhaps it could work for you too. For more information go to “Black Bean Cure for Gout” under the topic “Gout Cures“.
ParticipantI was prescribed painkillers whenever I had gout attacks and they helped to relieve my pain. However, the gout attacks recurred very often. It was after I started taking black bean broth that I am now able to keep my gout attacks at bay.
I have learnt quite a lot from this Forum ever since I made my post on “Black bean cure for gout” (a topic under “Gout Cures”). Black bean broth worked very well for me and my relatives and friends as it is very effective in relieving pain and inflammation. However after reading all the ideas, knowledge, information and suggestings shared by fellow Gout Pal members I have learnt that in order to manage our gout problems more effectively it is very important to check the uric acid levels in our blood and to take measures to lower it if it's too high.
I still believe that black bean broth is very effective in relieving gout pains and inflammation but not a cure for gout.
ParticipantHi Merago,
Though I am much older than you, I am not at all overweight like you. The difference between us is that I love meat and other rich food, but I do not take beer or liquor. I am not sure what caused your gout but in my case it's mainly because of the “food” that I love eating.
I managed to relieve my gout pain by taking black bean broth which worked very well for me. If your uric acid level is not too high it might work for you too. If you are keen you could go to my post – “Black Bean Cure For Gout” to find out more.
Our other gout friends may be in better positions to help where medications are concerned.
ParticipantThanks for your feedback, apcoach. It sets me thinking again! What Kvalhion mentioned about getting “your uric acid levels under control to prevent hyperuricemia” is very important. If our uric acid level is high we would need to attend to that first and bring it down to acceptable levels with medication.
You mentioned about taking “baking soda every three hours and tons of cherry juice and celebrex” – surely with so much of everything and lots of liquid taken in your condition should improve. Nonetheless, we cannot always have the best of everything with nothing happening. So, the best is still to watch our diet and lead a healthy lifestyle, with everything in moderation.
ParticipantSorry, I did not make myself clear.
During the period when I donated blood I did not know much about gout, except hearing about other people suffering from it. I experienced my first gout attack only a few years after I stopped donating blood – that was when they considered me too old to do so.
ParticipantI started giving blood at the age of 20 plus and I used to donate my blood once or twice a year. Personally, I did not feel anything at all after giving blood although I was advised not to do too streneous exercises immediately. A few day later I would forget about everything and went about doing my things as usual. However, I had a very good feeling that the blood i donated was going to save someone who might need it urgently.
Participantapcoach said:
On the topic of iron, i am intrigued by the idea that giving blood could benefit gout sufferers by lowering the blood's iron count. is that a major topic that has been discussed on this forum? is there any evidence to support that hypothesis?
Based on my “layman's” knowledge, by giving blood we are also giving away some “iron” from our blood. Hence when our blood is replenished in our body there is “less iron” in it. By giving blood we are also helping other people, so it's good to give it a try 😉 (this is only a joke)!
Where evidence to support this hypothesis is concerned, our admin, Gout Pal and other gout friends may be able to enlighten us.
I shall be looking forward to your good news!!
Participantapcoach said:
I'm new here, but why can't you eat the whole black beans instead of discarding them for the broth?
Hi. That is a very good question!
To be honest with you, I learnt about black bean broth from the internet and I followed the instructions given – to drink the broth only. No other details were given about exactly how much bean to use with how much water and to boil them for how long. I learnt from my own trial and error – and arrived at the proportion that I recommended because I found it most effective.
We don't eat the black beans because beans are known to cause gout. So to play safe it's better not to eat the beans. Of course, discarding so much beans seem to be a great waste. But, my main concern was getting rid the the excruciating gout pain. The little I learnt about black bean broth is that it is the Anthocyanins (from black colouring of the husk) that relives pain and inflammation. When we boiled the black beans, alot of other nutrients and compounds from the beans are also dissolved in the broth, so there is still alot more for me to learn about exactly how it works. The only thing I know is that it really works.
In fact, I am also wondering about what else I could do with those wasted beans. Because the beans do have lots of other health benefits and efficacies too.
GoutPal is working on “Gout and Iron”, and whether black beans is an iron chelator. Hope he can help us find a clearer answer and finally a more definite solution for gout.
“This is also the conclusion that I am coming to. I need to test it personally, and get some black bean broth on the stove.”
You might want to consider separating the husks from the beans and boil them separately. This can be done by soaking the black beans a little while longer and then rubbing the husks off. Hopefully by doing so, we will be able to know exactly whether it’s the anthocyanins in husk of the black beans, or a combination of everything in the beans that works on “iron”.
Participantmetamorph said:
This is an edited version of what I posted earlier
[For everything else there's Black Bean Broth. [don't take that literally – it's a M*st*rc*rd thing]
M a st e rc a rd thing? Mmmmmm you mean $$$$ concerns?
Well, I am really stumped why black bean broth has anything to do with $$$$, if I have not misconstrued the implication! Perhaps, it could mean that those people selling black bean are going to benefit from it if more gout sufferers use black bean broth as a remedy for gout. Rest assured, I have absolutely nothing to do with black beans businesses.
As an Educationist, “teaching” is my speciality. I am sincerely and wholeheartedly sharing and “teaching” what I thought would benefit others too – especially all those suffering from the horrible and excruciating Gout pains. My only worry is that due to increased demand for black beans (for gout) the prices will increase (escalate).
I chose Gout Pal Interactive because of its “no nonsense stand” against people trying to use it for personal gains or advantages.
Let's keep it that way!
Participant[For everything else there's Black Bean Broth. [don't take that literally – it's a M*st*rc*rd thing]
M a st e rc a rd thing? Mmmmmm you mean $$$$ concerns?
Well, I am really stumped why black bean broth has anything to do with $$$$, if I have not misconstrued the implication! Perhaps, it could mean that those people selling black bean are going to benefit from it if more gout sufferers use black bean broth as a remedy for gout. Rest assured, I have absolutely nothing to do with black beans businesses. As an Educationist, “teaching” is my speciality. I am sincerely and wholehearted sharing and “teaching” what I thought would benefit others too – especially all those suffering from the horrible and excruciating Gout pains. My only worry is that due to increased demand for black beans ( for gout) the prices will increase escalate.
I chose Gout Pal Interactive because of its “no nonsense stand” against people try to us it for personal gains or advantages.
Let's keep it that way.
ParticipantThat's great GoutPal! We shall be waiting for your final conclusion.
So far, we seem to have been going on a wild goose chase about gout. Nobody seem to be able to pin point the exact causes of gout. A clearer and better understanding of what triggers gout attacks would certainly be a boon to everybody – especially all gout sufferers.
The time and effort you are devoting in finding out the “real answers” is indeed commendable (not to make you cry again). It will not be an easy task but I am sure you will accomplish it.
By the way, I tried in vain to unravel – “M*st*rc*rd thing”
Participantmetamorph said:
Quote: (from Gout Forum – Iron and Gout)
“……there is strong evidence to show that the husk of beans reduces the amount of available iron.”
The Quotation should be from: Gout Forum – Gout and Iron