Here is my quick introduction to this website for 2020.

In the past, has been the interactive face of So you will still see lots of personal gout discussions. Which support the facts I publish on my main gout information website.

But since I learned how to manage gout properly, I’ve had to reorganize how my sites work. Because I’m changing to be a resource for you. So this website will become my personal gout space. Where I will…

Keith’s GoutPal Story

  • Describe key points in GoutPal history.
  • Explain my personal approach to some gout management choices.
  • Review old discussions with respect to my latest gout support services

Please note that my main priority is Because I want that to be the best resource for all gout sufferers. So you can learn general gout facts there. Then we can work together on personal gout learning projects.

In future, I’ll add some personal highlights. And maybe some humor from the world of gout. But I prefer to focus on how I can help you. So please use the Feedback form on each page to tell me your gout stories.

Are you clear about stopping gout pain as soon as possible? Or even preventing gout pain?

My 2022 gout pain plan affects some aspects of this article.

Clear Gout Pain Plan

Read the Clear Gout Pain Plan now.

Remember that this website still contains some interesting and useful gout discussions. So before I move them to the new gout forum, here are some topics that remain very popular…

  1. Can hot spicy food affect gout? November 27, 2020Can hot spicy food affect gout?

    In a diet for gout sufferers, are hot peppers good or bad? Do spicy peppers increase gout? How does hot spicy food effect gout diet? Discuss gout & spices now.

    continue reading ...
  2. Walking With Gout September 15, 2020Walking With Gout

    Will walking with gout make it better or worse? Mobility is usually best, but you need to keep joints warm dry and safe. Discuss how exercise affects your gout.

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  3. Allopurinol Withdrawal: Can I Stop Taking Allopurinol? August 13, 2020Allopurinol Withdrawal: Can I Stop Taking Allopurinol?

    For the latest information about stopping allopurinol, see Is Allopurinol A Lifetime Drug? in the allopurinol pages. Also view Allopurinol for Gout video for the wrong way to stop uric acid treatment. You will find related information in the gout medications pages within the Gout Treatment Help Section.

    Note: This discussion is about allopurinol withdrawal. There is a related discussion about coming off allopurinol.

    Somebody asked me the other day, “Can I stop taking allopurinol?”
    The short answer is, “Maybe.”
    Not very useful, so read on for the long answer.

    First of all understand how allopurinol works.

    continue reading ...

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